Parenting Retreat

Choose from the list of topics below,

or book a consultation where we will create a bespoke programme to meet your needs.

Nurturing Questioning Techniques

Goal: These sessions are designed to support participants in developing healing communication within their family.  Participants learn Nurturing Questions Techniques modelled through hands-on investigatory, exploratory, and nurturing experiences.  Using Nurturing Questions, participants begin honing mentalisation skills and reflective functioning, in order to enter a child’s subjective world. Participants transform questions into a guide and nurturing communication tool.

Action: Parents will use Nurturing Question Techniques to support themselves and their child(ren) in tackling fears, barriers, and goals.

Using PLACE in Parenting

Goal: Participants learn the history and relevance of PLACE (Play - Love - Acceptance - Curiosity - Empathy) in parenting. This training allows participants to bring issues to each session, navigating through family-specific challenges to find resolutions using PLACE techniques.

Action: Parents will explore and strengthen at least one parenting challenge using PLACE, in order to nurture their child(ren) into healthier thinking, and subsequently healthier behaviour.

Navigating Developmental Transitions

Goal: Participants will journey through key milestones in child and teen development. These changes can be very challenging and scary for both children and young people.  Through studying the development of the brain, participants will discover their own gifts and skills as parents. Participants will uncover how these gifts are key in supporting children and teenagers to navigate through developmental changes and transitions.

Action: Parents will derive a realistic and personalised plan to positively guide and encourage their child(ren) through a current developmental transition.


Goal: Participants will study how shame and unforgiveness stunt our growth, while focusing on how to begin to nurture a person into healing. During these sessions participants will practice Active Listening Techniques and Emotion Coaching.

Action: Parents will use Active Listening Techniques and Emotion Coaching to support their child(ren) in self-regulating emotions and responses.

Opportunities in Parenting

Goal: Participants will explore re-thinking challenges into opportunities. These sessions are very self-reflective, learning to celebrate each stage a child or teen experiences, whilst harnessing opportunities to nurture and encourage individual gifts and strengths.

Action: Parents will identify fear and stress within challenges, and alter these specific challenges into opportunities.  

YOU! Yearnings, Outlook, Uniqueness

Goal: Participants will learn how to set and achieve goals to excel in their potential as parents. While taking a brave, transparent look at personal strengths and weaknesses -  fantasies and goals - fear and love - and their own personality, participants will learn techniques to manage and celebrate their own yearnings, outlook, and uniqueness.

Action: Through better understanding how to manage their own yearnings, outlook and uniqueness, parents will create ways in which these can be used to nurture their child(ren)’s own unique journey.

Managing Disappointments

Goal: The first two sessions are used to teach participants 5 self-care skills in Managing Disappointments. During each session, participants are given space to reflect on an area where they have faced loss or disappointments. Speaking with a mentor, they are given a safe environment to practice 1 or 2 skills in Managing Disappointments.

Action: Parents will take part in strategies for managing inevitable  disappointments or loss.  Parents will set out a long-term, realistic plan they can stick to despite, demanding responsibilities.

Personal Fitness Trainer

Two to five 1-hour training sessions.

Goal: Meeting with a professional physical fitness trainer, participants will create a plan to work within their pace and space to maintain a healthy physical regime.

Action: Parents will commit to two practical ways of staying mentally and physically healthy.

Contact Us

Tim and Mary are parents of 3 teens, (one being our foster child).  Our goal is not only to educate ourselves in parenting and wellness, but to practice what we learn and subsequently teach.  Reflecting on our own mistakes and successes, we more effectively offer support and training.  

Come see us in person [or via ZOOM]
by booking an appointment to plan your own retreat.

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